
By KatesGardenPDX

A Gorgeous Afternoon in the Garden

It was pouring this morning when we awoke! But by midday the sun was peeking out. I spent a lovely long time talking with my 6 1/2 year old granddaughter on Facebook Messenger for Kids via her tablet. It was adorable...I think she thought that she could talk with me all afternoon. Just sort of have me close by to keep her company. We went out to the garden with her mother to look at what they were growing, then back into the house where I got to see her bedroom and decorations, then under the blanket into the "cocoon". I finally (after 90 minutes) had to tell her that I was starving and needed to eat lunch...which I was! Needless to say, she made my day!

Meanwhile, back out to the big perennial border this afternoon, where I have a patch that I call the "Final Frontier". It's a messy spot under a Weeping Atlas Blue Cedar (which is it's own problematic situation not easily resolved) that contains a mess of ajuga, wild strawberries, lily-of-the-valley, and dandelions (oh and weeds). All run amok. So I attacked it today and got a good start. I had covered a lot of it with cardboard and cut-down grasses late last year, so that made a huge difference. It's starting to come into shape. But now I am TIRED!  Time for adult beverages and dinner!

Meanwhile, this is a pretty little variegated ajuga - unlike it's aggressive purple, dark-leaved sister, this is a dainty, well-behaved ground cover. I believe this is a variety called "Pink Lightning". And I do love the pink flowers!  Obviously this is at ground level - it's maybe 3" tall. (No, I did not lie on the ground!) 

Tomorrow the big excitement is picking up a grocery order at our local market.  Fresh veggies!

Be well dear Blippers! 

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