Friday Foto

By drmackem

We Don't Need Heroes

The miseducation of.....

A Photo
Though we may need cake!
Cakes of Lockdown II

A Muse

Really I’m not so sure.
You see we are just doing our job like we always have.
I too have been guilty of using that term to describe my colleagues in social and health care, bus drivers, supermarket check-out folk etc in these strange days.
But really we are just doing our job, yes maybe it’s caught up with the heightened anxiety, and sadness of the time which we’d all like some hero to deliver us from.
What I see is the same human, compassionate, professional, actions and attitudes I always see. Yes somehow it’s requiring for many a heightened quality of courage and vulnerability.
Being a hero in popular culture brings with it the idea of being superhuman – we are all so human.
Being a hero in popular culture brings with it the idea of being a saviour – we need saving too.
Being a hero in popular culture brings with it the inevitability of the fall, the blame when our non super-human selves are exposed, when we don’t save the world.
Encouragement is welcome we can all appreciate a bit of that, (including those self isolating - I wouldn't fancy that) because at times our courage fails, but we aren’t heroes, we don’t need heroes.

We’re just doing what we always try to do but  in  extraordinary times.

Somewhere only we know - Keane

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