Early this morning.

Woke up at 6.30am as per usual but decided instead of rolling over and dozing for a while I'd get up and go out with my camera, it was a beautiful bright sunny morning.  Couldn't find anything to inspire me, but who doesn't love a Dandelion seed head, so had to capture this lot in the fields, plus a singleton in my extras.

The fun dog show received 629 entries! Pretty good going and all good fun away from the doom and gloom of the news. although some just didn't read the rules, as loose as they were - pictures were supposed to have been taken in the last week and some had obviously been taken at shows, of which there have been none since lockdown! A small group of us Bearded Collie people met up for a natter via 'StarLeaf'. All a bit chaotic with everyone at a different level of technical savviness, but it was good to chat as we all sat in our gardens or houses.

Spent some time sorting out something for camera club on Tuesday night, all a bit last minute, but it's done now. We had to take something macro, and then the whole object.

Planted up some bedding plants in pots. Nothing too extravagant, just some Busy Lizzies and Geraniums to add some colour in the garden, if, as it looks we are to spend the summer confined to quarters. 

Had a family quiz tonight. Jeff and I came last!

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