Afternoon walk

Another blip called 'afternoon walk', there are a lot of them at the moment. 

We had quite a good day.  I had a lovely morning with the boys, we did painting, face-timed Granny and Grandpa, baked and I even got both boys to do some school work without them realising and before we knew it, it was lunch time. 

The boys are playing beautifully at the moment and really enjoying each others company, the youngest spent about an hour pretending that a sleeping mat was a taxi, and gave the eldest several taxi rides around the sofa.  Both boys helped me bake, which was lovely. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The patience to plan a little for the morning and ignoring everything to sit with the boys and paint 
The eldest getting on with school work willingly and without realising 
The husband having such lovely afternoon walks

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