I'm Paddington

This little one always (well, not always) but often has the hand-me-downs.  The eldest had new PJ's last week and this one was quite upset. Normally he doesn't really care.  As the youngest of three, I had a lot of hand-me-downs and am probably over-sensitive to it... 

So today new PJ's arrived for him - to his delighted.  This was him coming down the stairs to show Daddy how smart he looked for bed.  Unfortunately he's started sliding down the banister (pretending to be paddington bear), and secondly about 15 minutes after this an accident' meant new PJ bottoms were needed.. 

I had to call into morning break time today - the twice-weekly whole school meeting, and within 10 minutes had to hang-up due to third world three erupting between two bored children... (with everyone seeing that I bailed out mid-way through the Headmasters speech).  I checked about 5 times that I was on mute, as that could have been interesting...  I took the call that we just needed to get out and 5 minutes later we were in the car to head out and get a couple of supplies we've been needing and yummy lunch from the butcher.  It was the first time the boys have been into a shop since lockdown and I felt really bad taking them out.  Totally did the trick though and they loved being out and came back saying in a very grown up manner 'that was very nice Mummy'. 

Youngest is battling with his sleep at the moment and really struggling to get to sleep.  Tonight he managed to be asleep within an hour of bedtime, which is very good in comparison to other nights! 

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