I'm not sure what time it started raining but I'm sure when I woke up, I heard the plants whispering, "Thank you"!

I decided that going out into the garden in my pink robe was not an option this morning, because it is so cold so having donned an anorak and hat, but no gloves - Mr. HCB wondered why, as I had lots of fingerless gloves on the hall table - off I went in search of something for Tiny Tuesday - I now realise I am completely "off piste" but hey, these are strange times so please don't beat me up about it!

To hear the gentle pitter patter of the rain on the plants was wonderful and I was amazed at how much they all seemed to have grown in just a few days.  The beds that had wild flowers growing in them last year are already looking great and I'm sure the bees and other insects will be very grateful once they start flowering.

I then walked along the path between our herbaceous border and the blue fence and there was so much to choose from, but this little geum won the day to have its 15 minutes of fame on Blip.  However, I decided to make a collage of some of the other flowers blooming at the moment and these are in as an extra, together with the shot of me getting togged up, taken by Mr. HCB who was holding the phone for me at the time but I guess I can't grumble because I often take "sneaky" shots of him!  I think the colours give you some indication of my favourite colour! 

Being out in the garden reminded me of this quote way back in my schooldays from The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare:

Portia to Shylock (Original version)
"The quality of mercy is not strained.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. 
It is twice blessed:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest. 
It becomes
The thronèd monarch better than his crown."

Here is a modern version of the same quote - how I wish I could have read Shakespeare in a modern version all those years ago - I might have understood it better!

"No one shows mercy because he has to. 
It just happens, the way gentle rain drops on the ground. 
Mercy is a double blessing. 
It blesses the one who gives it and the one who receives it. 
It’s strongest in the strongest people. 
It looks better in a king than his own crown looks on him."

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