I had a great day yesterday cleaning the conservatory, but it didn’t stop at the inside, when that looked good, I decided to clean the outside too - and it’s a very large conservatory, so it took me quite a while.  Then, I was on a roll, and decided to do the front porch, the front windowsill and the side doors and the garage door too.  Boy, was I tired last night!  This morning, my neck and arms ache, but it was great to get it all done and it looks good.  

It’s a shame it rained overnight in one way, but Mr. HCB was delighted because he won’t need to do any watering in the garden today.  Our expert carpenter, Andy, came yesterday and is going to replace all the wood on the outside of Mr. HCB’s raised beds - quite a task, as there are 18 of them, but it will be a good job done - the first one looks wonderful and of course, Mr. HCB is delighted.

Looking around for another abstract this morning, I came across this one - it is actually white, but once again, I have fartnarkled this in one of my apps and then made it like a blob in the Photoscape X app on my Mac, which I’m happy with.  It was originally an origami paper swan, which Kathryn, a young friend, gave to us a few years ago.  I know I blipped, but I can’t find it - and 3000+ blips are a lot to trawl through.  Sadly the swan has started to fall apart, probably from moving it around, but Kathryn has put so much work into it that I can’t bear to throw it away - and I am certainly not expert enough to repair it, so it will stay in pieces and I will the work that went into making it.

So one more for my 100 Abstract Challenge for the Mamie Martin Fund, which provides secondary education for young women and girls in Malawi.  It’s great to be helping such a worthy cause.  On their website, it says, “Fees at a boarding school - necessary for reasons of distance, safety and allowing the girls to study - are approximately £350.00 a year.  However, fees at the Community Day school which the Fund supports are considerably lower at £55.00 a year.”  It’s good to know that by our giving we can keep two girls in Malawi at a day school for at least a year.  

“When you educate one person 
     you can change a life, 
          when you educate many 
               you can change the world”
Shai Reshef

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