Big and Small

Dear Diary,

I was pleasantly surprised to see no snow when I woke up this morning.  Life goes on for my little feathered friends which is the continual hunt for food.  Mr. Robin hopes for a juicy worm, all the rain yesterday will bring them out, and Turkey Lurkey is, I hope, gathering ticks and other insects in the grass.  It is grey and just above freezing but this weekend is supposed to be really warm and sunny.  We just have to get through a few more showery days.  

DAY TWENTY EIGHT: “Do we choose the superficial comfort of closing down our perceptual channels, defending ourselves but simultaneously missing the juice and vibrancy of the world? Or do we look right into what is truly before us, the whole scene stretching between the sweet sublime and nasty, god-awful reality? For now, just look and look again. This, then, is to respect and to crack open.“ ~ Laura Sewall   Practice for Today - Lead with love. Show compassion and kindness for whatever you encounter, even if you’d rather not. What perceptions show up when you accept reality and see with compassion? 

The bit of beautyI found yesterday in an unlikely place.

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