Ring of Mystery

It rained today. It rained all day, though it did ease off a little in the afternoon so we were able to get out for a walk.  Earlier we had a nice Zoom chat with Maureen and Ian.

I spent the morning working on the WRAP accounts including running the monthly payroll for our single member of staff who has been furloughed.  HMRC paid 80% of her wages into our bank account today, very impressive as I only claimed it a few days ago and they must be receiving thousands of claims.

The theme for today's Tiny Tuesday hosted by MaryElizaR is 'Your Junk Drawer'.  Now I would maintain that I don't have such a thing as a 'junk drawer' but I guess I have to admit to keeping things that I think may come in useful in the future, some of which I forget what their purpose is.

I found this object in one of our kitchen drawers where I keep some tools and other bits and pieces.  It is quite small, I'm not sure what is the definition of 'tiny' , but the overall length of the object is 3.5cm (~1.5").  

I'm sure this has a very useful purpose, though I'm not sure what, but I put it back in the drawer after taking a photo because it may come in useful one day!

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