Thank you

so much for all your comments, stars and favourites for yesterday’s birthday selfie that put me to the middle of the popular pages - much appreciated.

After all the excitement yesterday I slept really badly but the upside was I was awake to see a gorgeous sunrise just before 6 - unfortunately not awake enough to take a picture.

Out for a walk with Miss PHL before lunch and we took a different path in the woods. Must have taken a wrong turning somewhere as we ended up a long way from where I thought we’d get to and we had to call Mr PHL to come and collect us. We’d been out fir almost an hour and a half at that point a didn’t want to stay out too much longer!

Knocked up a banana loaf this afternoon which sadly has sunk after cooling down - still tasty though!

Homemade pizza for tea with shop bought sour dough based - pretty yummy.

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