
By RosInAus

Weathering The Storm

Firstly, I want to say a BIG thank you to all my blip-buddies who have been so kind and have been concerned about my safety (and non-blipping) over the past few days due to Cyclone Oswald in Queensland. It is truly moving to know you are out there and have been thinking about those of us caught up in it.

Yesterday's blip and this one were in my camera waiting for power and a wifi connection which thankfully happened on 29 Jan.

This pic was taken through a window, of Australian Magpies sheltering on my clothes line. I usually shoo them off but they were so windswept and bedraggled and unable to feed that I let them stay.

My apologies for not having commented on your journals. Today was a big clean-up day - tomorrow I will have lots of time to catch up with my lovely blip-family.

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