Flood Clean Up

It was quite depressing this morning looking around and seeing how much standing water there was in the lower half of the building, my work area. We are 99% sure that all the machines are undamaged but there is a lot to clean up. Mopping, removing sand bags, and drying.

I spent quite a large part of my morning mopping.

At lunchtime we started removing all the sandbags around the machines. The main flood threat is over. My work was in the firing line of flash flooding which occurred on Sunday night. Luckily we had flood doors. Unluckily they leaked. Luckily there were plenty of people to bail. They managed to stop the water from getting too high. This mornings work was unpleasantly humid in the closed space downstairs. That coupled with very little light made it not a fun task.

Tomorrow the power is supposed to come back on. Of course we are going to have to be very careful about switching machinery on. There is a lot of very sensitive equipment, which might have been exposed to water and has been exposed to humidity.

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