
By Angelique


Thought you might like to see how our garden is shaping up.

When we came in February 2019 there wasn't a great deal here in the way of flowers.  But as you probably know I love colour.  So this is one part of the garden backed by the church.

Today I went to see Matthew with his presents but it was very strange not being able to give him a hug.  We are going to try and speak to him later via Zoom and hope it works.

Whilst in Taunton went into Tesco which took ages.  Marshaled around the store following the lines and keeping the distance was a pain but I suppose necessary.

Did the main Aldi shop later and it was a completely different experience.  Now at least I have the food I wanted!!  It was wonderful to be out and I enjoyed driving my little 'pocket rocket' with the roof half down, baseball cap on and wind in my hair.  Oh freedom for part of the day, at least!!

Back to reality, and Oscar is whimpering for his rush around the churchyard in the hope of chasing a squirrel or two.

Stay safe and be loved. xxxxx

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