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This sight assailed me first thing this morning, when I drew back the curtains. These two chaps were so well settled on their perch (which makes them look like they are standing above a bunsen burner...) that they waited for me to grab my camera, change my lens, and pop out on the balcony before they finally moved on.

It was a jolly full (I use that term ironically...) day, with a trip to the storage facility (essential, social distancing maintained) to pick up two camping chairs to use on the balcony (just as the weather breaks...), a trip to Great Grog to pick up our wine and gin order, and then work, interspersed with a zoom into Finland to catch up with my colleagues. As to work, I've mostly been footnoting. What fun!

At the end of the day, I hopped on the spinning bike and cycled through a very scenic part of France.

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