Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 39 A minute's silence

The first day of rain all day and it definitely affected my mood. To brighten things up, I had a video call on Messenger with Jo. As you can see, when we get together we like to have a laugh! Chris says we're like two school girls, which I suppose we are really in more ways than one!!
I cycled in the morning and then did some planning for next week. I had a couple of phone conversations with Leanne about the best way forward for the English that we're going to set. Team planning is definitely trickier when you're not together.
I managed a bit of dusting and tidied up before Chris came home and we went for our walk. Luckily it didn't rain the whole time and it was only very light rain for most of it. It was chilly though and I even had the heating on during the day. Sunbathing last week seems a dim and distant memory!
I finished watching Anne with an E today. I hope there's another series as I've enjoyed it. It's based on Anne of Green Gables and is set about 100 years ago in Canada.
Today there was a minute's silence for the 100+ NHS workers who have lost their lives due to coronavirus. In New Zealand they entered stage 3 of their response to the pandemic and many takeaways reopened and they were allowed greater freedom. This then resulted in massive queues and lots of breaches of social distancing rules. Let's hope they don't have a second wave because they've come out of lockdown too soon. In America over 1 million people now have the virus and their vice president visited a hospital without a mask. Deaths in the UK were up on yesterday and back into the 500s but the majority of deaths are now in nursing homes which are not included in these figures. Tomorrow they will start to give these separately.

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