Day 37 - Poor Blip

I was up early again and video calls started at 9 am.
Today's task was adding more media to the featured section.
I spent hours going through the archives to get a slide show together.
The computer was soo slow and the internet as well - it was thoroughly painful!!!
So was not making as much progress as I wanted..... and felt stressed by it.
I hate when things go slow, as I then try to do something else, which is distracting and equally slow ... arrrgh!!!
I was not out all day I planned a break the weather looked not inviting and I preferred to stay in.
We had easy dinner with left over cauliflower cheese - our favourite dish these days - and steak that was sitting in its marinade since 3 days. Delicious.

Sorry for this crap photo - just a random snap of what was on the table .... 

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