
By ThisOldHouse


...through the fence palings - a glimpse of the field and its 'treasures', unearthed while clearing last autumn's brambles, including 6 plastic footballs, 5 tennis balls, 3 golf balls, a golf club handle, a rusty boiler casing, corrugated iron sheeting, numerous broken bricks, roof tiles and guttering, rotting fence posts embedded in concrete, part of an old metal gate, strands of barbed wire, a twisted roll of used mesh fencing, bits of plastic pipe, discarded flower pots, a plastic bench and a partridge in a pear tree (well a few pigeons in an ash tree).

The grand (at least 5-year) plan is to make it into a garden . . . but where does one start?! Can't do much just now - apart from a current lack of physical fitness, the ground is saturated. Meanwhile, moss and ivy creep and the weeds will soon be pushing through. But, here and there are a few long hidden clumps of snowdrops and daffodils about to bring some cheer to this sorely neglected patch.

Weather update: gales and lashing rain late morning and afternoon and still more on the way tomorrow! Temperature has soared to 11C - almost balmy!

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