A study in grey

Rather like the clouds today. This was done by scanning my face with about 5cm between me and the scan bed. I believe the scanner is another sort of camera...

Been feeling dizzy all day, probably as the cold I've be fighting off for the last few days makes a break through into my ear canal. Hopefully my white bloods cells are in hot pursuit... apart from that, I'm not feeling the effects too much.

More job applications, and down to town to HMV to exchange a faulty CD. I was told I wasn't able to - I'd had to good luck to buy it the day before they went bust, but the staff there were really lovely and snuck me a replacement disc from another case, so that I could by-pass the administrators rulings. I was pretty chuffed.

Had a quick meet up with the bro, before getting the shopping and heading home up the hill. Mild as hell, was sweating buckets at the top! Bring back the snow!!

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