Life In Wales

By KarenC


Lockdown Day 40

I’ve not had a lot of energy today, I’ve been suffering with back ache at the top of my spine which I think’s due to my shoulder issues as I’ve had this pain before.  My shoulder is much better, but of course my physio suddenly ended with the lockdown, however ironically without physio it’s been feeling like it’s improving, until the last couple of days, so I guess I’d better start doing the exercises again.

Anyway, I’ve listened to my body and not done very much.  I did go out for a walk with Alan at lunch time but it was cut short due to a rain shower, but my legs felt heavy so I couldn’t have gone far today anyway.  So when we got back I went for a soak in the hot tub which really helped.

I dong know if you remember but last year our field turned purple as the farmer had planted flax seed, well it looks like he’s done the same this year as the purple flowers are popping up again.  I can’t wait to see the purple haze again.

Tonight has been another ‘date night’ in the Palace listening to Chris Moyles DJ set - we really enjoy our Friday nights and it’s great to have something to look forward to amidst the madness of what’s going on around us.

Oh and yesterday I posted a photo on Instagram of HMS Trent which was out in the sea off Saltdean, and tonight a lady from Glasgow commented that her partner was on that ship.  So I messaged her and said I’d happily email her the photo if she’d like it. and she replied to say she’d donate to a charity of my choice.  I told her it wasn’t necessary but that if she really wanted to, then my choice was a Breast Cancer charity.  Within minutes she sent me a screen shot confirming her donation, how lovely is that!

Hope everyone’s keeping well and you have a good weekend!

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