Blipday Girl

Asha’s got to the big 1 0 0 blip entries - definitely not 100 consecutive blips, about 50 at the age of 5 and 50 now, but still! She’s been excited to hit this milestone today.
Asha and I went to the rocks again, I took this pic on the walk home - it’s a graffiti piece of a snake that wraps around the inside of the tunnel. I loved the colours, but also the light on Ash. As we walked back we saw one of our homeless friends who’s remained on the street throughout this lockdown...he was ’babysitting’ a macaw for a few hours! Ha!
A lovely afternoon Skype with m& encouraging, as ever!
We’ve now settled down with freshly made guacamole and crisps, and the 80s classic, ‘Three Men & a Little Lady’.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Asha sticking at blip and enjoying it.
2) A surprise morning visit from James and Rich! We heard our names being shouted and the were downstairs on the street. Soooo good to see them in person! They were enjoying their first walk in 7 weeks. As of today we can do 1 hour of exercise.
3) M&M.

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