Turned into busy Saturday

Up at what has become our usual time lately, so not early ;-)

Bright but a bit chilly......fruity breakfast in the summerhouse, before sweeping, hoovering then steam cleaning the kitchen floor......it was still not to my liking, so went over it with the steamer again. Looks nice and shiny now :-) Time for a coffee after that!

We had dippy eggs and toast for lunch then did a bit of pottering in the garden. Hub decided to cut the grass......the afternoon had really brightened and warmed up. I read my book for a little while when hub went indoors to listen to todays update.

I was looking at the freshly mown lawn and decided to finish it off with the edger.....its not a job we do that often as its back breaking but its always worth it afterwards, plus it gives the water somewhere to run off the pavers.
Hub was suitably impressed when he came out to see what I had been up to whilst he had been chatting to eldest son on the phone....and Olivia had joined in apparently.

We took ourselves off for our usual daily exercise.......Ive been watching the laburnum trees coming into flower over the last few days, so today its their turn to feature in all their glorious yellow!!!!

Back home to finish off dinner, which tonight is homemade meatballs in tomato sauce with wholemeal spaghetti, plus some veggies on the side for me ;-)

We finished and got everything tidied away just in time for BGT......to be followed by Casualty no doubt. Happy weekend all,

# Stay home stay safe. everyone x

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