The Two Scarifiers

Dad gets an idea sometimes that he just can't let go.  He decided earlier in the week that he wanted to have a go at restoring part of his lawn - I think he hears about what we are doing and then wants to have a go himself and he is unable to let the idea go.  Sop everyday this week he has been asking about getting some seed, then some compost, then he realised he needed to get rid of some moss so he wanted to borrow the scarifier.  We didn't take it with us this afternoon and it was the first thing he asked about .  We decided that we should give in gracefully so Rob came home to get it.  He made sure Dad knew what to do and he had a short go with it.  Bearing in mind he is 90 in July, I really don't think he needs to be scarifying his lawn, but I have leapt over the last couple of years to allow him free rein when he decides he wants to do something.  So he has the scarifier.  He has seed.  He has compost.  We will see how he gets on!

Thank you for all your kind words yesterday.  Today has been better.  I know there will be more bad sad times but I know that I will get through them with the help of all my friends, xxx

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