
One magpie (not for sorrow) here and one poised peanut but there were about four or five on the grass scrapping for nibbles.

A mischief of magpies really doesn't cut the mustard in terms of how I view their general behaviour. Mischief seems to imply naughty but nice, though I've found them hugely greedy taking utterly tons of bird food. I lost count how many peanuts one magpie actually ate. They also rampage through the hedges and shrubs eating eggs and chicks which I've seen here in our garden so I'm not altogether happy with them. Usually one slight movement will send them flying but I was in my bird hide and the camera noise didn't seem to worry them.

They are beautiful birds, very smart and not just in their plumage; hugely intelligent and have the ability to recognise themselves in a mirror! There are only four ape species, bottlenose dolphins, and Asian elephants have this ability! Amazing. It still won't stop me seeing them with trepidation when I know there are nests around.

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