We did it!!!

Today was the last winter holiday day pöfor me. To my joy, we finished the straightening and washing the old yard stones project. Me and our daughter started ot and as she had to go somewhere running errands with our son, she teached her father, what to do. And we finished the project me and hubby. Hubby also washed the backyard (pls see the extra).

Now the summer can come!

One stone broken, during my and hubby's time, which is a pity of course. If I find a spare, I change it, but these are old and fragile stones from the 70's, so I really do not mind.

A book of our son's officer training has finally been published and we got the copy of it.

Our daughter's so called "little sister" visited us today. She is 12years of age and they have met in Tampere sister's house, where different aged girls and women can make so called sister relationships. Sometimes she comes to us, and despite of knowing anything too much about her, I recon her as reasonable girl. We kept social distance here too, of course. Anyway Nice to see her again.

Sauna evening. A little help for our aching bodies.


Ps. Corona situation in Finland today in Finnish

- testattuja näytteitä n. 102 300 (tested)
- varmistettuja tapauksia 5 254 (confirmed)
- sairaalahoidossa 185 (in hospitals)
- heistä tehohoidossa 49 (out of them in ICU)
- menehtyneitä 230 (deaths)

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