Happy Star Wars Day

I woke up to a surprise Star Wars Day present from my wife; you can see it on the Thunderbirds book in this photograph. It's a stromtrooper cup filled with chocolates. To quote Deadpool, "It's like I made you in a lab!"

On top of the Star Wars present, I received this present via Facebook from another Blipper who knows my taste.  A perfect homage, with no "adult" humour or profanity to appear "cool," just honest delight in the joy of Gerry Anderson's magic.

So, I've finished painting another in my Gerry Anderson vehicles series this morning. Not the most exciting vehicle in Thunderbirds, due to the fact that, before motion control cameras, it was very difficult to make vehicles in space move in an exciting, dynamic way, but a beautiful looking craft nevertheless. Another 22 kilometers run planned for this afternoon, and then, this evening, a family movie night with, what else ..... The Rise Of Skywalker, of course. I'm the only one who has seen it so far and, somehow, I've managed to go five months without uttering a peep about the plot.

May the fourth be with you.

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