One click at a time

By KeithKnight

January Daily Challenge - Grow

Day 29 of Neet's January daily challenge - Grow: People do it, plants do it too... get creative and take a photo of something that grows.

Another long and busy day, so late home and not a lot of time. But not as busy as tomorrow will be, starting at 7AM and with a meeting booked until 6PM I know that one will be even later. After that it should calm down.

Consequently, not a lot of time for a blip, no daylight when I was free to take a blip, and as any plants in my house would die from lack of attention or just the sheer weight of dust they would accumulate I don't keep houseplants, not wishing to be reported to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Houseplants. I do keep one type of plant though - growing herbs and salad leaves. They get eaten before they can die through negligence.

As I regularly make soup, for my lunches at work, I have some fresh BAAAA-SIL (it has to be pronounced as Sybil Fawlty would scream it), waiting to go into tomato soup, or another tomato based dish. Here it is, in front of my lightbox, there probably won't be as much of it next week, it will have been partly used for the purpose that it was grown for.

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