
After a trip out to Maw's (she awoke alarmed to find a white van in her drive, yes the one I'd left the day before which she had been quite happy about), I headed down to the boat (via the New Town Deli) to pump out the bilges as there has been a reasonable amount of rain and snaw over the last few weeks. Whilst there (sneaking out the toilets, actually) I was caught by Grumpy George, oor Harbour Gruppenführer who quickly clocked my newly retired status. He seems to have promised me a work party all of my own.
After that, time for a coffee and a read up at Tollcross before taking in McCullin. What a life; and what a talented bliddy photographer. But above all, a brilliantly done film, mostly to camera; the dilemmas of a 'war' photographer (he hates the term) laid bare.

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