
By Cumbrialass

May the fourth be with you

  Sorry  but it had to be said  Happy Star Wars Day .
 Almost forgot to Blip today. Blip is of the Rhodendron bush in our yard. Grown in a pot, eaten by weevils but always produces some wonderful blooms. The first cluster has just opened.

Monday.. we seem to have got into a routine. Car to AH and walk round the grounds. The gardener is doing a splendid job and is happy for us to wander round... The area of bramble and general scrub has been cleared and flattened and he has sowed wild flower seeds which we look forward to seeing growing

Dropped off M and Fletch then on to the Big Tesco.. No queues! Strolled in and tried to avoid the woman patrolling the store telling the few of us that were there that we had to " follow the arrows" . Everyone has got into the routine of avoiding each other and unlike the panic of 6 weeks ago the shelves were well stocked.

Is it really 6 weeks of lockdown?.. I was so anxious when this all started, not that I'm complacent now, but we adapt to the situation. 

Today we were due to go on holiday, down to near Sherwood. We'd have had good weather. I doubt if hotels will be accommodating visitors for a while. Driving down to Tesco today I could see the panorama of the South Lakes fells....all empty. So tantalisingly near. 

As always stay well and safe

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