Happy Cinco de Mayo from Merry Mischief

That bottle is done and dusted undusted. You can see we never take it out for a sip much! Merry was a fabulous model this morning and was rewarded with her favorite, Icelandic Yogurt!

I'm amazed at the portrait setting on the iPhone 11Max. I edited this, but the original photo was really wonderful. I had much more time to get shots with Raspberry because of her modeling ease. Merry has retained her show cat memory, but needs a quicker shot after the set up. Lifting my iPhone 11 instead of a 7 pound Leica SL and 24-90 lens makes my chances of success so much better.

Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army's May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. The day, which falls on Tuesday, May 5 in 2020, is also known as Battle of Puebla Day.

Apologies for the Sombero

This has also been a day of spring bird returning happiness, Mrs. Hummingbird (that brought tears to my eyes, her mate is still unseen, but I'm hoping) and our beloved Catbirds. Papa Wren is house hunting, the Orioles are enjoying oranges and the Mrs. is gathering nesting materials. Finn ate out of my hand like an old pal chipmunk, but I'm still looking out for my Fan.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny, but with a very cool breeze.

All hands wary

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