By lizzie_birkett

A Family Visit! Lockdown Week 7

She came to show us her brood - eleven of them! We gave the babies tiny bits of my home made bread - it's allowed now according to Swan Rescue. What I loved was that the parents let the young ones have the bread. 
Bella May gets jealous when we feed any water birds so I give her the crusts. She and the swans have a love hate relationship - they are really interested in each other but the swans soon tell Bella to back off by hissing and trying to peck her and she bares her teeth and whimpers. 

Today I helped Frank with a bit of the boat painting but he did most of it. Another coat tomorrow then we can get tidied up. It's looking a lot smarter now.

It's been lovely and sunny but oh so cold!

Sabrina tells me in Scotland there are definite steps now on coming out of lockdown over the next month or two.

Over 30,000 people have now died of Covid-19 in the UK - the highest in Europe :-( so sad.

Stay safe and well everyone x

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