Wide open spaces

Well we went to bed a bit earlier, didnt work though, I woke at 8.15 but we didnt surface until after 9. Had breakfast & a cuppa in the sunshine.

Its been an absolutely glorious day today.....we walked into town to get our exercise and collect a newspaper, then we explored a new longer route home....managed to clock up 8k steps.

Took this shot on our top road not sure if its exactly whats required for todays Wide Wed challenge??!

We had coffee outside whilst reading...... then later lunch outside too.

I had plans to do a few things indoors but it was just too nice to be inside so none of them got done today :-/ not likely tomorrow or Friday either, according to the weather forecast :-)

I read,more of my book, nearly to page 800 now! I was still lounging outside at almost 7pm! Hub had gone in to listen to thrmupdate, come out agsin, watered some plants, done a,bit of weeding.......I didnt move :-0

Dinner tonight was griddled seabass, a small jacket potato and a large mixed salad, followed by a fruit salad, with lemon yoghurt.

Ive managed to lose a pound this week..... hoping to get rid of the last 2/3 then I will be happy and at target :-D

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