
By Mindseye

Rummaging in the rockery

Fitfull night again, not bad overall, but awake early, equals up late :-/

Skipped breakfast, just a quick brew, grabbed a plum on my way out to the car.......first time out in it for a week! Lidl was pretty quiet no queues, but still a few numptys around who cant find what they want on their first circuit so end up criss crossing and doubling back :-/

Got everything I wanted apart from sultanas, mango chutney & I forgot the garlic!!

Back home, everything put away, things washed where necessary, before coffee time, although by this time it was 12.45!!!

I made a vegetable tagine with some cous cous for me...chicken salad sandwich for hub. We ate in the summerhouse by which time it was 2.30!!

Hub topped up the pond and then I watered some of the larger containers with the hose.

We sat sheltered from the wind, on the new patio area, the sun was really warm, as,long as you were out of the wind. Read some more of my epic book, up to page 661 now....just another 400+ to go ;-) Hub read his paper and did the crossword before disappearing indoors for the daily briefing. Impottered with my camera for a while, chose this shot of a tiny delicate flower in my rockery. It has leaves that react to touch and light, they are the palest green. I am pretty good with plant names but dont,think,Ive ever,known the name of his one, so if anyone out there does, please shout ?!!!

We walked our usual route, but in reverse....no we werent walking backwards ;-) Clocked up 8k steps today, not enough really...... ust get back to my running, possibly tomorrow ;-)

I used up,the last of the turkey crown from Sunday to make a curry for dinner tonight, with peas mushrooms and onions......found two small naan breads in the freezer so we had those for a change.....quick & easy, and tasty too.

Weve just finished a zoom quiz with friends, 9 teams I think, we were joint 1st :-D

Well, thats my day done...apart from a bit of tv now for an hour.....we have committed to getting,to bed a bit earlier tonight in an effort to wake earlier........we shall see!

#Stay home staff safe one and all

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