Who lives in a house like this?

......I do apparently :-)

Woke up early, still feeling tired and tearful today too :-/ Was a real effort to get out of bed......after 10 by the time I got downstairs.

I had porridge with blue berries for breakfast for a change. Then made a start on some more paperwork.....more form filling, copying various certificates and documents, not much progress at the moment.

Late morning decided to drive into town, cards to post, cheque to pay in, 2 pairs of curtains altered needed collecting....£60!!! To be fair they are wide and have linings, but still!
Got a couple of things I wanted for the two youngest granddaughters up and coming birthdays, then got myself a coffee and sat outside Costa messaging our 3, and sis in law, seems its a "wobble" kinda day for all of us :-/ I walked back to the car, which was parked in "our spot" outside Costa, found myself looking for someone in the passenger seat :-( Sat in the car and cried. When Id pulled myself together, messaged a friend to say I was going to call round to drop off the new trainers Id promised her, they were hubs, but he never got to wear them......handed them over and promptly burst into tears, not agood day!

Went to daughters for tea, followed by games. night with granddaughter too, daughter won tonight, my turn next week....fat chance!! Me & daughter watched the first two episodes of S4 Handmaids Tale....as good as ever, even that got to me, as me and hub have watched every single episode together till niw.

Home by 9.30, a long chat with youngest son,
had an earlier whatsapp exchange with middle son, messenger exchanges with sis and sis in law...a day where we all seem to have gravitated towards each other.

Todays blip collage is a collection of hearts houses and angels that people,have sent or given to me since hubs passing.....the little house with its guardian angel was brought to me this morning by our newest neighbours.... isn't it lovely!

Oh....and thank you as ever for your kind words and encouragement, take care out there folks.

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