
By Mindseye

600 years

Slept pretty well,  woke early,  but dozed, until my alarm went off. Was up sharpish as I wanted to wash my hair before heading into Manchester for an earlyish dental check up. Just as well, when I opened the shutters, I realised I hadn't put the bins out……hub always did this “chore”, fortunately for me they were later collecting today! 

 Drive in to Manchester was painless, as was the parking. Id decided to park a bit further out and walk into the City Centre……£4 for 4 hours, or £7 all day, much more preferable than the NCP rates! 

All ok with my check up, £23…….but, the comment “that bridge is going to need replacing before long” followed by do you want a quote, so you can plan accordingly…….yikes?!  Turns out it will be a mere £2,500!!!!  Not covered under the NHS dental contract, as it would be purely cosmetic, although it was his recommendation that it will need replacing!  Seems because its not causing me a problem, not covered under NHS, so wait for problems to occur, then it would be covered! Talk about a catch 22?! 

I took myself off to Costa for a sit down and a coffee after the shock of the cost involved lol!  As I was walking along Cross Street, I could hear bells ringing…….nooooo, not due to the shock;-) 

I sought out the source of said bells………coming from the Cathedral, which signalled “something” was occurring!  Timing was just right…..I found the clergy stood by the door, they were about to go inside, and indeed did just moments later.  Turns out it is Manchester Cathedrals’ 600th Year. Well it was actually last year, but the Pandemic put pay to the planned celebrations, you can read more here, if you are interested.


Afterwards I bought a pair of jeans in Next and a black choker in M&S……before heading back to the car in good time before my parking expired at 2. 
Drove home, stopped off in Town to cast my vote in the local election, hub would not be impressed if I didn't “bother”.   Bought a couple of greetings cards I needed and intended going home, but didn't, had another coffee instead, whilst chatting to my sis in law for a while.

The weather has been pleasantly warm today, even took my jacket off!  

Back home, bins away, taken something in a container out of the freezer for my tea…..think it might be Spanish pork stew lol…..will have some rice with it later.  Im currently sat in the summerhouse…….radio news just come on, its 7pm! No idea where the last 2 hours have gone, just been pottering lol, time for tea I guess……

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