Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

A beautiful day but with a chilly wind blowing.

The morning was largely taken up with a zoom committee meeting. As usual there were many technical hitches so it took at least 3x longer than it would have done normally. Good to see everyone though.

Set out on my evening walk with Jorgie about 6pm, with the intention of photographing the rising moon from the golf course. 
I walked the 'long way round' because it's slightly less strenuous and was delighted to hear the cuckoo calling again. It sounded quite close so I went on a short detour, soon turning back when the calls came from where I had just been!
Pausing by a gate just to listen, I suddenly spotted him flying across the field and then watched as he stopped in the top of a tree.
(The males are the first to arrive here and call to attract females)
The extra shows how far away it was and Ive added a couple of hugely cropped images of it in the tree.
How I would have loved to be able to blip a great shot of a cuckoo but there's always tomorrow.

Continuing on my route I passed a field of lambs. Normally when I have Jorgie in tow, any lambs just scatter but these were intrigued and I love the light on the grass.

I took some moonrise shots and then sauntered home, thankfully downhill most of the way. Carrying my long lens for 6 miles isn't fun.

Just below the golf course the cuckoo was calling again so another area to stake out. 
It was virtually dark by the time we got home

Day total 6.3 miles
Year total 420.4 miles

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