
The sun is far from setting even though it's almost 6 pm. Shelly is due over any time. I'm doing my blip and thinking over my day. I had two zoom meetings this morning and they conflicted. (Life now seems to be getting almost as crowded as before.) I had to leave the painting zoom open studio to attend my volunteer zoom with the round table gang from DSNW. I got there a bit early as I'm one of the facilitators and I admit I grumbled a bit about having to miss part of my painting meeting. In the old days, DSNW was on Mondays and painting on Wednesdays, so I didn't have conflicts. Joann, the head of DSNW said I should stay in my painting meeting and come to the round table when I finish. That will work now because there are more than the usual number of facilitators since we are only zooming once a week instead of several times for several groups. So I felt better and do plan to attend the whole open studio group next week.

Shelly came for lunch and we played Qwixx together. He mused about an idea to create some score cards that we could reuse. His idea was to put transparent packing tape over one and then use a dry erase marker to mark our score. A good idea that, but the score cards are quite small for that. So I built some big ones and found some page covers to put them in. Next time we play we'll be able to reuse our score sheets. Good idea Shelly. And a fun project for this afternoon.

I took a late afternoon walk while Shelly worked to install his new Roku device. This rhododendron is just outside his condo. They are so beautiful as they make their way out into the world. I fiddled with Topaz simplify to make this look painterly.

Stay safe everybody and enjoy your days as much as you can.

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