Nothing Like It!

The day began with Mr S baking his first loaf of sourdough bread in a long long time. It is so good!! Butter, salt, strawberries, chocolate—bring it all on! We have several starters going now, lots of videos, the Tartine breadbook at hand. I think he should make a loaf a day. Luckily they are small loaves, so when I say we ate the whole loaf it isn’t as bad as it sounds. 

I had to get my boot adjusted this afternoon, which led to a short string of errands in the car, which took us by the ocean for a minute when we picked up some fresh salmon. I havent seen the water for weeks, not since before the accident, when we stopped going because of all the people. It smells as good as baking bread!
We were not, however, able to get out of the car, or even stop to breathe deeply, because all the parking lots are roped off to prevent gathering.

We passed one of our local theaters, which is in the extras.  Then I waited in the car while Mr S picked up a few things at the Farmers’ Market, a well-lined-out place that’s pretty nicely organized. In the background the busking sax player gave us the hippest version of Itsy Bitsy Spider that I have ever heard. 

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