Oh, Sweet!

Didn't go over to Metheringham today as my Dad said not to! 

So I stayed home, watched YouTube videos again. One of my interests is psychology, and today I learned about attachment styles. It was not a surprise to discover what mine is! It is such an interesting subject, and one I will be doing more research on. 

I also listened to music videos whilst baking some banana bread. A few things went wrong as usual! Every time I bake, I'm reminded why I don't do it more often. First of all, I realised that to make the recipe - banana FUDGE bread, you need FUDGE! We had some in for a while, but as it had not been eaten, Brian took it to work this morning for the work sweet-tin. It was also a little out-of-date, but his colleagues have not had a problem with that. 

So before I could begin I had to go to the shop. They only had bags of bite-sized pieces of the fudge chocolate bar, so that is what I bought. Next problem came once I'd got it ready to cook and I realised that my tin was too small! I Googled what to do of course, and ended up baking it as two smaller loaves, for shorter cooking time. It saved me cutting the loaf in half to send some to Jeri and family - now we have a loaf each! 

With the first one, I sprinkled a few bits of chopped fudge on top as per the recipe. Because of the chocolate though, these melted and caramelised. It looks a mess so I did not do that when I baked the second one and it looks fine! I sent the one that looks good to Jeri of course, but the caramelised one tastes amazing!

Oh - there was another thing that went wrong! I accidentally set the kitchen a little bit on fire! I needed the butter to be soft, and knew a few seconds in the microwave would achieve that. Not wanting to generate more pots than I had to, I put it in on the paper the butter was wrapped in, not realising that it was foil!! I heard a noise, opened the microwave and saw flames! The paper was on fire! I didn't have time to Google what to do or wake the boys to help, and trying to blow it out did not work. I couldn't pick it up of course, and daren't risk water in an electrical appliance, so I grabbed a mug and beat the flames out with that - it worked, thank God! If it hadn't I'd have been calling the fire brigade!

Weirdly, afterwards I found it hilarious - I'm giggling typing this!!

Anyway, otherwise all I've done is housework and read my book, and more YouTube!

Jeri's fella Paul called and I swapped the banana loaf and some books for Jeri for some delicious Biscoff fudge and this divine-looking Flake cheesecake! They are having a social distance street party on the green in the middle of their street tomorrow!

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