
It struck me today that the pandemic is a subject crying out to be documented by photographers, and yet we can only record our own experiences. On this amazing website, which gives a window into lives all over the world, we can see what people have chosen to take photos of, but of course there is plenty which we choose not to record for various reasons.

I admit that my own experience of staying at home in a rural setting means that my journal shows mostly my family, garden, house, dog and food. They are my world just now. But today being Thursday and the only day of the week when I get out, I thought I would record a few Covid related things, to look back on in future. is Luke queuing ahead of me at the supermarket, and in the extras, our lovely local greengrocer, Parry's, the post office, and a new notice which appeared today at Routin Brig. 

There are a lot of rules to follow just now and most people see the sense of them. I'm appalled at the front covers of some newspapers today which make it seem as if freedom for all is arriving on Monday. I must say that social distancing did not seem to be as well observed by people in the shops today, which I found very stressful. I think Nicola Sturgeon has got it just about right. Too soon to relax the rules!

Sorry for the rant. I'm off to make a stir fry and find some relaxing music for tonights playlist :-)

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