Kendal in Lockdown

In anticipation of some relaxation of restrictions next week, I wandered Kendal recording lockdown. 
L-R from the top
-There was an organised and socially distant queue outside the bank at 5 to 10 waiting for their controlled entry
- Deserted High Street at 10:00 in the morning
 - Beales was in trouble anyway but now the shop is completely empty with a notice from the administrators on the door. It was Kendal's only department store. 
 - Greengrocer doing a roaring trade , 2 customers at a time and cash only when most people want cashless
 -  bottom - the coffee merchant shop has opened since last time I visited and offered takeaways
 - cafe owners admitting it was good to have  a quiet patch because they had been meaning to redecorate the cafe for years,  while selling takeaways to people like me who wandered in. My first "real" coffee for 6 weeks. 
 - One of many NHS tribute signs

What I did not capture was the very long line of taxis waiting for customers, self employed and desperate for business. 

Saw a few people with masks. Will we be advised to wear them next week I wonder?

Day 49
539 deaths up to 30,615, still too many. Government admitted there is a epidemic in hospitals and care homes. 
Statistics reveal that a Covid-19 sufferers of black or asian background are 3 times more likely to die than the rest of the UK population,  with Pakistani and Black Africans being most at  risk. 

Cumbria police today, near Windermere,  turned back a family from Newcastle who thought they would go for a walk in the Lake District and in the same spot stopped a young couple from Preston with a baby. They said they were driving to send the baby to sleep. Preston is 45 miles away.

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