Fields of Gold

We braved the garage this morning, our first fill-up since the lockdown. It makes sense to have some petrol in the car in case of emergency.  It's amazing how cheap it's become. We thought it would be quiet, and it was, also Morrison's have Pay at the Pump so there is no need to go into the shop.

Having put some 'juice in the tank' we decided to give the car a short run to the River Avon car park so we can have a walk by the river.  Along the way we spotted a swan sitting on her nest by the bank, I've put that in the extras. One of the fields we walked through was awash with yellow and white blossom, I've given the pic a bit of a high-key effect.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting today's Flower Friday and Miranda1008 for hosting this week's Wild Flower Week.

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