The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Life through a lens

I've always had a bit of a thing about reflections so here's another. I flipped it and enhanced it slightly with a split-tone which I've never used before. I quite like the way it looks like a water colour that's been tipped before it was quite dry and has run a bit!

Meeting at work in Marple today. Walked up the canal again looking for photographic opportunities along on the way. I was crouched taking this image when a heard a dog behind me and its owner started to chat about photography. Said her husband was a photographer and they have a gallery in Goyt Mill, Marple. Coincidentally she illustrates children's books and works with schools, although at the younger end of the market whereas our resources for schools are aimed more at the upper secondary level. For info this is her website. The gallery is so close to where I work I may well pop along for a look one week if there's something photographic on display.

Positive meeting, finished around 1pm, then not such a pleasant walk back to the car as it was blowing a gale by now and starting to rain. Got home quite enthused to start on some of the things we'd been talking about at the meeting, put my glasses on and everything went weird!

One of the lenses had dropped out, luckily it was in the box. I really struggle to read or see a screen now without them, so had no choice but to head to town in the wind and lashing rain. Boots opticians put a new screw in and sorted out the plastic nose bits that have been dinting me for a while, free of charge, and I was back home within half an hour, albeit a bit soggy.

Busy day tomorrow, a station drop off at Stalybridge early doors, back to do some work, then pack up to go to Grimsby until Saturday morning - this is my twice postponed due to snow trip to see family/sort out some house/tenant business.

The next couple of days will be the first time my blip has taken me further than 5 miles away. It's going to be a busy time so will be a challenge getting a shot, so fingers crossed!

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