The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Elegance... or mum?!

I'm now in Grimsby at mum and dad's until Saturday morning. I tend to process a lot of thoughts while I'm driving - 100 miles gives me a lot of thinking time - my main thought this afternoon was what have I forgotten... spare socks.

Driven through some lovely scenery on my way over, even saw a rainbow, but no proper opportunities to get out/park up when you're travelling and much of it is motorway, so this is mum and dad's antique pewter lady which I've always liked. She can look quite different depending on the angle you look at her, but she's definitely very elegant. Mum wishes it was her!

I did photograph one other thing today - the JML 'Shower Feet' I had for a Christmas present. I can't use it, nearly sent me crazy the first time I tried it, my feet are just too ticklish. Mum likes it - Merry Christmas mum!

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