The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Fishy business

Busy today, mainly 'Landlord' duties in Grimsby as we've got an empty property to finish off ready for rental. I also had two tenants to visit and organise work for. We pride ourselves as being 'good landlords' and have been amazed in the 5 years or so we've been in the business at how many bad ones there are who won't do anything for their tenants, although quite happy to take their money.

But before all the bits and bobs shopping and carpet choosing, a quick coffee with my sister in the 40 minute slot between her finishing one job and heading to another. Hadn't seen her since November so it was a full on whirling dervish of natter (she can woffle as much as me... but faster!) It might have been brief but, as usual, we ended up crying with laughter.

On our way to the carpet warehouse, I decided my blip needed to feature the main landmark, Dock Tower. We drove around the docks, saw some plovers and some pied wagtails which was a bonus, but some areas were out of bounds, so I couldn't find the position I wanted for a full frontal of the Tower, but was quite partial to this view of it. Some more dock photos here

It's all seen better, busier days down there, plenty of dereliction, but it was fascinating, and good to see some of the smoking houses, smoking. Al's brother works for Associated British Ports so I should ask him if he can arrange for me to take a closer look at the Tower, perhaps go up it, if I've got my brave head on! He abseiled down it years ago for charity!

I took the 'scenic' route back to mum and dad's via Cleethorpes, parking up to look over the estuary and the sky turning dusky. The starlings were almost murmerating! They were flocking over the pier and swirling up the beach to the little Big Wheel to perch, it was quite a sight... and sound... here.

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