The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Caution: Sheep Dropping!

Awoke to snowy icy stuff this morning in Grimsby so it could only be a snowdrop blip today - I would have liked to have spent more time on angles etc and it's not as well focussed as I'd like, but it was rather nippy in the garden knelt on a doormat, and I had quite a few things to do before I set off for home, so time was pressing and teeth were chattering!

Don't know why but I've not seen snowdrops that often and this was the one and only clump in mum & dad's garden, so for that reason alone it was worth a blip. I'm hoping that I will get one daffy blip and one bluebell blip this year to complete the set.

I set off for home with full on snow blowing across the motorway but just after the turnoff for Humberside airport/Humber Bridge I had my sunglasses out! Nothing very eventful on the journey until I got within a minute of home on the narrow back road.

I came round a bend and saw a sheep - it had got out and was at the top of the steep bank by the fence surrounding his field, and losing its footing... so my next view of it through my passenger side window was of it starting to tumble and a moment later in my rearview mirror, in the road behind me. A split second earlier it would have fallen onto my car! I've just been chuckling to myself at the thought of filling in insurance forms for a dented bonnet - do you think they would have believed 'a sheep fell on my car'?

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