On the beach

Fine summer weather, so calm that we watched paddleboarders make their way down the Forth, a good mile offshore, and there was almost a reflection of Inchkeith in the water. Blip. And who came to join us at the bench but P&K, out for a cycle about - at a ridiculously early hour too - 11am! 
We recovered with bacon rolls in the back garden and then I had an afternoon of gardening and listening to podcasts while I worked. Until disturbed by PT who was out cycling and stopped at the back gate to natter awhile. His daughter had twins in March, and coupled with a two year old, I think she’s broken the social distancing rules to call out for help. Understandable. I think my own daughter could do with a bit of that too. 
Later, film night - but the SK’s choice - the Assistant which has been getting very positive reviews. In retrospect I see that the critics ratings are somewhat different from the average viewers ratings, and that may be because, although very well done, with a very authentic feel, it’s just a bit.. well, unremarkable and frustratingly restrained. My choice next! And it’s going to be whistling gangsters in La Gomera. The trailer was on Curzon beforehand y'see.

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