Birthday boy

It wasn't actually his birthday today, but we pretended it was (the things you can get away with when they are young!).  Having birthdays at weekends really helps when you're balancing work and childcare together (and not always managing very well!). 

The birthday fairies put up bunting for him and mid-morning there was a pile of presents arrive in the kitchen - we needed to hunt all over the house to find them (read - while the husband put them out).  

The main present was a 'den kit', or, as he calls it a 'dent kit' (tent and den together).  So this afternoon we went out in to the woods and built a shelter, and of course had the obligatory hot chocolate - tea for grown ups who don't need quite so many calories!

At bed time, he told me he'd had a lovely birthday and was very happy.  

So there you are, all of a sudden he's 5.  But of course the day he was born feels like yesterday and I can remember it so, so clearly - actually, the husband probably remembers it a little better given the amount of morphine that was involved! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The happiness of selecting your pudding for mummy to make 
Trying to work with the youngest who can be just so boisterous sometimes and seeing the rewards
A lovely chat with a former work colleague I bumped into on my morning run, it was so nice to see a friendly face

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