Day of the Lerts

A bitterly cold wind on our walk today, don’t be fooled by the sun!

Ah, the address to the nation.

Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales value their citizens and apart from extra exercise which is most welcomed we are as was - Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.

On the other hand Bumbling Boris, he of the weak wristed fist pump, has introduced a new slogan/advice for the citizens of England, which is as confusing as he is.

Stay Alert??? Control the Virus , Save Lives. WTF??

Ridiculed widely on S M most of the day with folks making up their own slogans. In other words if you don’t ‘stay alert’ it’s not our fault it’s yours if the virus returns cos we told you to Stay Alert!! Does that mean you don’t stay at home anymore? Actually you do but you wouldn’t think so from ‘Stay Alert’ What an absolutely pile of pish! Travel to work if you can’t work from home but try to avoid public transport???? Unintelligible graphs. He doesn’t seem to grasp that folks need clear and concise instructions . Then as he is thick as mince and unable to give a coherent reply to questions there was no scrutiny from journalists as it was pre recorded on Thursday. a total farce!

So, those that voted for these fools to lead the country way back in December , are you regretting your choice? And if not, then pleas inform me exactly why you think they are doing a great job, remembering we have the highest deaths count in Europe.

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