Today has been a busy one - MrD suggested a bike ride to Claremont (that's not happened in an age) this morning.  We stopped at The Goods Shed for a coffee before riding home.  It was then time to plant the daisies into the pots (tick) and as it was a beautiful day I thought the sunset would be a pleasant thing to enjoy.  

The blip is an attempt at High Key for Carolina's challenge for Mono Monday - one of the crysies - captured before the bike ride.  The first extra taken at the coffee shop (what use is that pipe - oooooh) and the second extra was a fisherman leaving the jetty at sunset - a tad blury.  
Blip taken on the balcony in morning sun. Thank you to Carolina for hosting.

Ninniex is home!!  Such wonderful news.  :)) 

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