MonoMonday: Viola

It's been a pretty routine lockdown day: family Zoom catchup after breakfast, shopping for the next few days and a walk this afternoon.

Like most other people, we were left bemused by Boris's pronouncements last night and, although a bit of doctoring seems to have made the rules clearer today, it hasn't made them any more logical as far as I can see: for example, Tess & I aren't both allowed to see our daughter Kate at the same time but can each go individually to meet up with her; if, heaven forbid, she was a symptomatic but had the virus, we'd both end up with it whether we saw her individually or together.

Similarly, teachers who are grandparents can be in a classroom with a group of children whose health they know little about but can't be outside with their own grandchildren whose state of health they'll have had daily updates on. Crackers!

Today's lunchtime lockdown vinyl offering was L for Led Zepplin and their 1978 LP "Presence". Here they are performing Track 1 on Side 2, "Nobody's Fault But Mine"

Don't expect to hear a politician say that any time soon.

This viola is one of our recent acquisitions, given the high key treatment.

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